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New Software Release 4.4.1 for AURUS and CRESCENDO

Berlin, February 2018: STAGETEC, the Berlin-based manufacturer of digital audio technology, has released software release 4.4.1 in February, which provides an interesting feature especially for AURUS customers in the fields of recording and post production. With the new software release, True Peak Metering and True Peak Limiter can be used in AURUS-platinum mixer configurations equipped with the RMDQ DSP board. Measurements are made with eight-fold oversampling, allowing more accurate control of the signal being processed. The True Peak Limiter and metering are present in all channel types.

The 4.4.1 software release also brings some improvements for customers with AURUS and CRESCENDO systems. The templates for channel configurations can now also be saved after editing and used as templates for new projects. The control strip mapping of the GUI has also been revised and shows consoles working in parallel as well as virtual surfaces.

For customers with AURUS consoles, the software release improves handling in timecode automation. Operation has been optimized in terms of workflow.

STAGETEC's flagship console AURUS was launched in 2002 and has been under continuous development ever since. The console can boast great leaps in development and is now in its fourth product generation. From comprehensive control functions and intelligent audio processing functions for particularly efficient operation to the integration of third-party products - in numerous software releases, ever new functions have been implemented in AURUS to meet the ever-increasing demands of broadcast, theater, recording and live applications. On the hardware side, the display technology, among other things, has been further developed.

The software update is available now.

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